C h e m G e n e s   I n d i a

Drying Traps


Moisture Absorber - Traps

S. No Catalog# Product name Combination CAS No Image MSDS Download
1 CGIDT-01 to CGIDT-04 CGI Drying Traps Molecular Traps


(For maintaining anhydrous conditions in water-free solvents and reagents)

CGI Drying traps are used for maintaining moisture-free environments in oligonucleotide synthesis. The use of these traps will generate super anhydrous conditions for high-quality full-length DNA/RNA.

  • The Drying traps are available in four different sizes: Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large.
  • The Drying traps are shipped fully activated in vacuum sealed foil packets and are ready for immediate use.
  • These traps allow highly effective drying of either phosphoramidite solution in acetonitrile, tetrazole solution in acetonitrile or anhydrous acetonitrile.
  • In addition, the use of these traps in the acetonitrile bottles wash cycle in the DNA synthesizer will maintain a dry environment which results in consistently high coupling in the synthesis per cycle.